
January 5th, 2021

A few years ago, I weighed the flyers that would accumulate in my mailbox each month. Here are the results.

5月 | May: 575g
6月 | June: 744g
7月 | July: 632g

My friends, who were also living in apartments in Tokyo, had similar results, with monthly flyer accumulation exceeding 500g per month.

Assuming that the average household in Tokyo receives ~600 grams of flyers in their mailbox every month or some ~7.2kg of paper per year, this would add up to 43 million kilograms of paper and 7.5 million kilograms of ink used to produce flyers distributed in Tokyo alone, resulting in the deforestation of around ~5 million trees.

Most of us place these flyers directly into the trash.

More than 2,500 of our listeners have received the anti-chirashi sticker via our website, potentially saving an estimated 9,180kg of paper or 242.5 trees per year.

Individual Savings Calculation

600g / mo = 7.2kg / year
7.2 x 0.15 = 1.08kg ink
7.2 x 0.85 = 6.12kg paper

6.12kg x 0.60 (40% from recycled) = 3.672kg / year in new paper
3.672kg x 0.44 = 1.62 reams
1.62 reams / 16.67 reams (1 tree) = 0.097 trees

0.097 x 2,500 = 242.5 trees saved every year

Scaled Calculation

46,862,900 (Japan households) x 7.2kg / yr
(assuming households @ Tokyo チラシ level)
337,412,880kg / yr

6,946,000 (Tokyo households) x 7.2kg/yr
50,011,200kg/yr of chirashi

50,011,200kg * .85 = 42,509,520kg of paper
50,011,200kg * .15 = 7,501,680kg of ink

42,509,520kg / 0.4424 = 96,088,427 reems
96,088,427 reems / 16.67 reems = 5,764,153 trees (Tokyo)

40% utilization recycled materials = 5,764,153 (0.6) = 3,458,492 trees

Recycling Efficiency

Recovery rate: 60% (2015)
60% of paper used is recovered for potential reuse

Utilization rate: 40.2% (2015)
40.2% of paper production is using recycled pulp

Government report on paper recycling & source

“Recovery of printing & communication paper, inclusive of the aforementioned advertising inserts, was approximately 60%.”

“In 2015, the consumption of recovered paper in paper manufacture stood at 40.2%”